My walk with cancer

If you would like to read the main posts in order here they are. The year that saved my life to the day.  I found my lump 5-4-09 and i was finished 5-4-10
It was a walk to hell and back. I met many friends on the way. Many of them did not win their battle as i did. IF you are fighting, DO NOT GIVE UP. I have also seen many miracles.

  1. Swollen Glands
  2. Doctors Appointment
  3. Chest x-ray
  4. Cat Scan
  5. Consult with Surgeon 
  6. Biopsy 
  7. Day After Biopsy
  8. 2nd treatment
  9. Radioactive
  10. day 14
  11. chemo treatment 3
  12. chemo mouth solution
  13. To Pic or Not to Pic
  14. mediport in
  15. double lumen medi port
  16. treatment with medi port 
  17. 3 month plan
  18. Reality
  19. treatment 6-1
  20. tests
  21. deep venous thrombosis
  22. ring-bell
  23. look back at my treatment
  24. pet-scan
  25. follow up appointment
  26. new doc
  27. complete-response
  28. Dry Run
  29. What radiation will be like
  30. radiaition-update 1
  31. radiation-update 2
  32. radiation-induced-pneumonitis
  33. one year anniversary
  34. Cure for all?
  35. relay for life drive
  36. Relay 2012

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