Thursday, September 17, 2009

3 month plan

My Muga scan was normal with a number of 52 which is just where it should be. We have more tests scheduled for Tuesday, a Cat scan with contrast (this will show if the tumors are gone) which we are almost certain they are. And also a base line Mammogram because due to the nature of the cancer they feel it could increase my chances of having breast cancer later on. So this will be one to show how I look now so we can compare others later.
Now for the three month plan:
IF the tests on Tuesday come back with the results he is looking for this is the plan. Group 5 and group 6 of chemo (that's a total of 4 treatments) and then we will move forward to radiation. I don't know how much radiation I will need but that I will need some because of the way my cancer presented. With all of the side affects in the beginning and the fact that it was considered "bulky" tumors. I had some questions about that and so we went over what the AMA suggests in my situation and we are going by the book so I guess I can't complain.
All in all I can see improvements every day. I feel stronger and I can walk around more. I don't get as tired as quickly as I used to. But when I do get tired that's when I know I have to sleep (last night I managed to sleep 12 hours) and today I feel dopey from it. But that will pass.

1 comment:

Nikola Anđelić said...

Hy man your site is cool please can you leave a comment on my site. thanx