Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lets go to college part 3!

We went back to the college so that we could see it without snow and also perhaps Steve could see it too without having to fix a car! So here are some more of the photos I got to take this weekend. Very nice not to have a lot of snow and with temps in the 70's we had a nice weekend.

These first pictures are inside the Chapel. We managed to get there early enough that I could take snapshots of the chapel. ITS ALL PURPLE!

This is a quilt behind glass.
At first glance I thought it was stained glass.

This is the chapel stage.
The had a wonderful Flute recital for us here.

The balcony

The lower level
See the purple carpet and the purple pews?

Even the ceiling is PURPLE!

This is Michelle pointing out something written on the sidewalk

This is what it says:
"Do you know, in the United States 35.5 million people,
experience hunger or the risk of hunger"
This was for a charity to raise awareness of hunger in America.
Statistics were written all over campus

This is a dorm room,
these dorm mates have chosen to "bunk" the beds
so they would have room for a couch

Steve on the track

this is the awards board for track

Michelle stopped off at this Rite Aid, to introduce herself. She had already called them earlier in the month to see if a transfer could be arranged.

Oh one last thing,
on the Way home,
Steve stopped the car
so that I could slay this dragon....

And with the Dragon Vanquished,
we came the rest of the way home.
Very tired but feeling very good about the entire day

1 comment:

Lou and Kathy said...

Great Pictures, makes me almost want to go back to school. Praying for her daily. Priorities!!!~