Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Deep venous thrombosis

DVT means in simple terms A blood clot in one of the deep veins in your limbs. These normally occur in a leg, typically your calf muscle.

Mine is in my arm, about mid way down the inside of my arm above my elbow.

This has caused: swelling in my hand, forearm, continuing up toward my neck, discomfort and lastly pain.

The way we are treating it: Daily injections of the drug Lovenox into my belly, for a month or longer. Very small needle. hardly any site pain barely knew I had the shot. But lets make something clear.... I have plenty of area in which to receive this shot. LOL! This in no way is anything like a tetanus shot or even a flu shot. Those I HATE!!! you have site pain soreness the difference? Those go into the muscle. These go into tissue (ok lets call a spade a spade FAT) I have a teeny tiny mark from it about the size of a bee sting providing you aren’t allergic. This is nothing in comparison to the needle sticks I have gotten so far with chemo.

What makes this happen: I have been given several reasons why I could have developed this. Chemo can cause it (OH JOY) as well as can a port (JOY JOY) since I have both... yea guess I am in a risk factor group. That’s ok.

What I need to watch out for: Since I am in a "risk group" now I need to watch for Pain or swelling in my calves, shortness of breath, pain my chest, pain when I breathe.

Do you want more information? I went to the "The National Alliance for Thrombosis and Thrombophilia (NATT)"

its a great site with HUGE amounts of information. as well as online support and message boards and all kind os hints and tips as to how to prevent this from happening. The amount of people that have this occuring is STAGGERING. Go and look for yourself to learn if you are already in a risk factor group. For example, did your Granny have a stroke and you are on the pill? That two risk factors, throw in a 4 hour car ride and now you have three.

its almost scary. I am starting to see whey they weren't surprised by this.

You can get there HERE

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