Monday, May 31, 2010


Today is a big day concerning my blogs conception. I will be getting my Mediport out. For those of you who are new to my blog you can read about my Mediport in posts here and here. It was put in to help save my arms during chemo, in the operating room, but tomorrow they will remove it in the doctors office. weird right?

I will also be seeing my radio oncologist for a followup as well.

Friday night was my daughters senior prom. This is a group of she and her friends at out "town square" My daughter is the one with the white wrap. My Aunt Daisybell provided the wrap to my daughter as a present two years ago and we have kept it "for special" I was pleased she used it for this night. We will put it away with the dress after the next prom is over.

Michelle also asked me to paint her nails for prom. We did this while her date took a nap, (he lived a distance away and it was hard for him to rest here the night before) We were going to use false nails, but she decided to save them for his prom, as I will not be there to paint them for her. and even though you cannot see it, there is black light polish on them as well, I meant to get a snap of that and forgot. the line is painted as is a dot on each side of the line. i told her it looked like a %.

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