Tuesday, May 18, 2010


As we talked about color analysis over dinner dishes the other night, my daughter pointed out I was not a summer, Yes I still need cool colors, But that I was a winter. Of course I argued with her about it. After all I just took that quiz and well it had to be right didn't it? It came out as a summer and that was what I was back when I learned all this stuff when I was 18....

I did not even realize it when I took my color quiz last week. Michelle made me think of the colors in my own closet and made me retake the quiz again. and she was right, I'm a winter. There were a few questions that I didn't have the answer right on, my skin is more fair than pink, my eyes are more blue-gray than green-gray, and my skin burns easily rather than burns then tans.

It just goes to show, if you have determined that you are either warm or cool but you aren't getting the results from the scheme you think you should, have someone help you take the test. What you are thinking you look like might not be reality.

It also explains why I hated the way I looked in that lilac shirt I just drug out of my closet. it made me look tired and washed out. EWW! unlike the picture i have above, see how rosy my skin looks? that is the brightness adding contrast to my skin.

I would like to add, that I am these posts are just pointers to help guide you to looking your best, if you have trouble there are professionals out there that you can HIRE to do you color analysis for you. But I personally would rather go to the store and try on lots of different colors to see what colors look great on me.

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