Friday, May 7, 2010


OIL.... everyone has it, your skin NEEDS it, but too much of it causes pimples. not enough of it causes pimples. it needs balance. you get the balance by using Toner.

It shouldnt dry out your skin like say alcohol pads (or drying pimple pads). it just puts back any "off balance" you might get from your cleanser. soif your cleanser takes too much oil off your skin, toner helps restore the balance. Kind of like if you eat a really acidic meal how a tums will "balance" your tummy out.

but you say..."my skin is oily! I need to dry up the pimples!" i highly doubt you skin is that oily,

If you are using a cleanser that exfoliates, I highly doubt your skin is still oily. BUT, there is one more majic ingredient to this list....


WHAT?! MY SKIN IS OILY! I dont need more grease!
AH! but you do! see, (listen closely here)...

if you have oily skin, your skin is producing too much oil... (duh)

If you dry up that oil your skin says:
"HEY, we are out of oil! double the production!"

so you get more oil... then you use more drying products.. and the cycle continues....

NOW think with me.. you need less oil you need to make you skin realize

"Hey too much oil! Stop the production!"

suddenly (and I don't mean over night, but in a few days of steady use) your skin will start settling down.

so to recap ~ cleanse, exfoliate, toner, and moisturizer.

for the occasional pimple 5% benzoil peroxide at night in between the the toner and the moisturizer. Salicylic acid can cause dryness.

I know, i didn't go into the different cleansers, but mostly today the cleansers are combined with the exfoliate.

you can find 3 in 1 products (cleanser, exfoliate and toner)...

I know Mary Kay carry's one.
(that I love BTW)
There is another line that also carry's it as well... but I am not going to drop their names. But they are found in fine retail stores. (not walmart) at least i dont think you can find a 3-1 there.

This routine followed diligently will HELP with pimples...
Although, you may still have one crop up here or there.

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