Wednesday, May 5, 2010

what causes pimples?

I am going to talk about this, this week.... I cant fit it all into one post so I am going to break it down into several posts.

Simple enough question and there is a simple enough answer. Dirt and bacteria. But you already know that. if you don't, then you havent seen a "Strydex" commercial.

It is very simple, your face gets bacteria on it. Then dead skin cells shift on your skin, and plug up your pores, the oil combined with the bacteria, makes a teeny tiny infection, your body tries to fight off the infection and sends out the white cells. instant pimple.

Today we are going to talk about the bacteria how it gets there and how to fight it.

There are many places it comes from. Pollution from the air, bacteria on your hands, lets face it you can get germs anywhere.

That is the first thing people say "try not to touch your face" but I am trying to be "real" about this. You are studying for a term paper and you lean over an rest your forehead on your hand right? Bingo contamination.

But lets go one step further.... you actually DONT touch your face, why do you get pimples? see that guy there in the hall? he sneezed a second ago right? you said "bless you"... well that sneeze even though her tried to contain it, some of it still over spilled his cover, and now its in the AIR.

You cant get away from it, it is everywhere.

The first way to fight bacteria/germs on your face, get them off your hands. simple hand washing. that's right I am first telling you to eliminate the pimples on your face, wash your hands more.

Pimple areas naturally itch, its part of the healing process, so your hands are drawn to that ONE pimple, your hands are dirty, well germy at least. and those germs are going to get deposited on your "trouble area" and renew the cycle.

You dont have to use some super anti bacterial soap. Simple cheapo soap will do. If your hands tend to get dry, you might want to upgrade from the cheapo soap to a soap with moisturizers.

How often should I wash my hands?..... I wish there was some magical number I could give you, but there isnt.

before and after the toilet of course
hand sanitizer when leaving the grocery store,
before you eat

I guess my best guess is once an hour?

but your first line of defense against pimples... wash your hands

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