Saturday, May 22, 2010

Happy Anniversary

What is the best anniversary present in the world? Well I don't know about THE world, but in MY world, it is getting to go nail polish shopping!

I first went to HOT TOPIC because I was dieing to try some Black light sensitive polish. and they had a $.49 sale going on!!! WOO WHOO!!!

so I picked up the black light polish (on far right)

Along with... these other three colors. Hot topic doesn't name their colors for some reason... :( But I have been looking for this hue of green since I saw this post on The Daily Nail. She used OPI Damone Roberts 1968, but I had not ever seen a store that carried a wide selection of OPI polishes. I guess I don't get out much, because as I walked up the mall bouncing along with my hot topic bag of polishes, quite pleased with myself.

When I saw IT.

A store with an OPI display, the display was HUGE! as the OPI drew me in, I also saw an Essie display I love the Essie that I received from The daily nail So I thought to myself OK I HAVE DIED...

As I spun around like a kid in Willy Wonka's Candy garden, I spotted some Seche Vite top coat, and went to get a bottle of that knowing its the best top coat known to man... (sadly as I look a the bottle in my hand Just now, I picked up the wrong one, I have the base coat So I will have to go back) as I walk up to buy my one bottle of clear coat, the girl at the counter asks me if I saw the special baskets...

I like special baskets!

I got a bottle of OPI "Peals Night Out" for 75% off and from what she was saying the BEST base coat around (apparently she thought I had the top coat as well) She says that the nail salons in the mall all use this base coat CND "Stickey" it is an anchoring base coat. She says it's the best around. I cant wait to try it!

Since I don't have near the time to polish daily like I used to I need my manis to hold up a bit more!

So My readers, we are going to have some posts about nails for a bit! Monday Manicures are finishing out this Monday with a very special Mani about eating candy so stay tuned for that, and then watch for the black light to show up sometime as well... along with all these great new products I want to try out and review for you so you can enjoy them as much as me!


Erika Pessoa said...

Gostaria tanto desses Hot topic tem como consegui pra mim? por favor sou do Brasil. bjs

Krista said...

Erika, Hot Topic é uma loja americana que vende um "estilo" particular de forma que eu não sei se eles já se espalharam em todo o mundo, no entanto, como eles só têm sido popular na minha área por cerca de três a quatro anos