Sunday, April 11, 2010


I am big into finding God in everything around us. Especially what is known in the "Christian Community" as secular music.

Back when I was a child in a summer church camp I learned that the word "Amen" was defined as "let it be" My mind went Immediately to this song.

I had forgotten about it until this morning I was playing my Ipod and listing to a playlist my ipod had created due to song "type" and I had been listening to Casting Crowns, "The altar and the door" went off and "Let it be" came on.

As I enjoyed the mellow piano My mind went back to that day at camp, and for once I actually listened to the words of the song. I decided to substitute "amen" every time "let it be" was spoken.

And the whole song suddenly came into view. Tears started to flow.

Now I was raised Baptist, not catholic as obviously Paul & John, But "Mother Mary" is easily understood to me as "holy spirit". I don't think that's too far a stretch do you?

take 2 min 30 sec to listen to the song and read what Paul & John wrote. and see if it isnt the answers. For to me it says pray without ceasing.

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