Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Altar and the Door

a while a go I was looking for a video link to "the altar and the door" so if you had never heard the song, you could listen to it. While I was looking I found this....

This is the lead singer of Casting Crowns. It is a small lesson based on the song "The Altar and the Door" its only 4 mins long. But it shows the importance of having a personal Daily relationship with God.

I personally dont believe that going to church every Sunday makes you a Christian.

I can go to the neighbors house, and I can sit on the floor of her garage, and I can make car noises "brummm brumm brummm beep beep" But just because I am in a garage and I sound like a car it doesnt mean I am one.

The same goes with Christianity. I can go to church every Sunday, I can pray a wonderful prayer at dinner time. But if I am not standing by my Christian ethics I was taught, then what example am I setting as a christian? How is my life going to lead others to God?

In no way am I saying I am perfect. But I am trying to be that way. The flaws I have in my life are much fewer than it used to be. I tend to be judgmental toward other Christians. I expect them to know the code and to also strive to live by it. It really bugs me to see Christians that don't try. and it saddens me to see a Christian backslide due to another's influence.

I also swear. I can really swear. That's where I am working now. it isnt easy, but I can honestly say I am trying to not swear as much as I used to. which really amounts to not dropping the F bomb every hour or so... yea I know but I am trying. I find this is harder than quitting smoking, you knew how many cigarettes you smoked in a day you know how many is none. I think I am down to a swear a day. maybe. I'll have to observe my mouth a bit better and see...

anyhow enjoy that video, and think about what i said, do you have trouble between the altar and the door? I do but im working on it :)

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