Tuesday, October 30, 2012

door to door

 trick or treat was the other night and we opted to take Matt trick or treating door to door. so we set up a pick it yourself basket at our house.

our goodie bucket

and got our little man ready to go.  he didn't much like his hat that mommy crocheted  but by the end of the night he was glad to have it on. he was also glad to take it off.
all ready to go

 we came home to a bucket on our steps that hadn't been touched (we live far out of town) and a small bag for Matt. then started the tenuous process of looking up all the ingredients to sort out what he can have and what he cant.

i have found a great website that helped out tremendously. you can search the product you want and it lists all of the ingredients.  you can tel it what you want to avoid and it will take those options out. you can make lists, and print them.

you will be hearing more about this site later as i have found this to be an EXCEPTIONAL tool!
what we kept
this is what we had left when we were done sorting everything out. at times there were uncertainties like the twizzlers, some have soy some don't so we sided with caution and took them out instead of trying it out. so far his apple and the Swedish fish were his favorites. and thanks to our pet fish mufassa he can say FISH! so a point to the candy with the word fish and he gets what he likes!

what we cant keep
all of this candy gets donated to "the great pumpkin"  Matt will trade his candy for a special toy that the great pumpkin leaves for him on Halloween night.

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