Monday, April 30, 2012

Grandma's Blanket

My Grandmother LOVED to crochet.  Actually she taught me how.  When I was expecting my daughter, she made a blanket to match the crib set, which was mint green. Then another in pink after she was born ( we kept it a surprise)  Grandma passed away before Michelle was old enough to really remember her.

the other day we were going through the things i had saved from Michelle's baby days.  After she asked me WHY i was keeping certain things of Matt's and why didnt i have any of her stuff  (Low and behold i produced a tote full)

Well after finding the mint blanket that we used for Michelle (the pink one never got much use)  I also found the pink one tucked away in my hope chest.  I drug it out and asked Michelle if she wanted to save it. she said no she preferred the green one and she had not real attachment to the pink one as she never lugged around a blanket like her brother does.

I had recently gotten some grief for allowing Matt to use a quilt I had made that was pink and purple.  They said it was too "Girly" for him to be playing with.

Personally myself I think "color labeling" is stupid.  Pink is not only for Girls and blue is not only for boys.  My father wore pink on many occasions and looked wonderful in it.  as a matter of fact my father was wearing his favorite pink shirt when he was buried, by his own choice.

But since I dislike hearing my adult family say things like "Matt why does your mommy have you playing with a girl's blanket?" I opted to try and dye the afghan blue.  I thought worse case scenario it wont take, and Matt will be using a pink blanket or it would take too much and be almost navy blue all over.

Well I LOVE how it turned out a pretty pink stripe and a pretty blue stripe. Now he can use Great grandmas blanket, and BOTH of my kids have a blanket my Grandmother made. And he wont get teased because his mommy gave him a pink blanket like he did at the last family gathering.

1 comment:

Cathy Mack said...

I love how the blanket turned out!!! As for family if they have a complaint they can MAKE a blanket for Matt or Shelley. I would not have done a thing to the blanket that your grandma made. Each of my kids have a handmade item made by my grandmother and a painting done my dad.