I went into labor on Saturday the 18th. but the contractions were mild and 10 mins apart. but i felt those contractions were mild so i went on about my day. by 3 am they had naturally progressed to stronger contractions so the three of us headed off for the hospital.
by 11 am, I still had not progressed in my dialation so they gave me a stimulator that woudl help "break apart" some scarring i had on my cervix, although gotta say it didnt work. just like i said it wouldn't. ( i had apposed inducement because of that reason i had seen too many failures)
it DID, however, increase my contractions. I went into transition labor at 3 min apart contractions around 1 PM. but since i still had not progressed some Genius concluded my labor wasn't "real" (dumb-asses) and sent me home.
by 4 pm I was in tears for every contraction. and i called my doctor and asked if we could have a c section. he agreed and we went back into the hospital for pain control and to prep for surgery.
by 8:28 I had delivered my beautiful baby boy of 9 pounds 4 ounces. and 21 inches long.
I was back in my room by 9:15.
they kept me until Wednesday. and the general consensus of everyone was that i was doing remarkably well. normally i would have stayed until Thursday.
now we are all adjusting and settling in to the newest member of the house. its good to be home.
oh and FYI, no signs of the prevous issues with Matt's heart
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