Back when I was a wee one. (in the 1970's) My father worked at the Delco Moraine plant in Dayton Ohio. Safety was HUGE in this factory. and once a month they would have safety meetings and Delco would hand out trinkets at these meetings.

Daddy would throw it in his lunch box. He was the first adult home after I got home from school. (about 1/2 hour later) Every day when He came home I would sit on the bar stool in out kitchen and we would talk about my day at school and other stuff. while he unpacked his lunch box, emptied the left over cold coffee from his thermos, and throw away the assorted baggies. On the safety meeting days He would hustle me to the kitchen (some times i would get wrapped up in scooby doo) he would say "Krista aren't you going to unpack my lunch box?" That was my SPECIAL clue!
Off I would run! you never knew what you would find in the bottom! they were small insignificant things. as I look at them as an adult. But as an child under ten, it meant so much to me.
Today I went to my mothers house to drop off some things to her, and she presented me with this....
Hard to believe we actually had to use these! after all soda pop was in glass bottles in the 70's and they weren't screw on tops either! this we put on top of our bottle of pepsi, so it wouldn't loose the fizz inthe fridge, (you NEVER drank out of the bottle!) when mom handed this too me it was so amazing how i got th6e smae ruish of emotions that i woudl have when daddy would holler at me to come and unpack his box.
We had lots of treasures from Delco, Mom still has many, some are jsut gone due to moves and simply the passing of 30 years. this one is really special to me as it is the only one I still have (i think)
I have since put this in my special box of treasures. One day my grandchildren will ask what on earth all these little things in the treasure box are, and i will have 1,000 memories to share :) Maybe one day we will go through the treasure box and i will put those stories down here.
Wow ! Krista that is wonderful that your mom still had that! I remember having to use those too. And the idea of a tinket box is great ,I am sure all the children would enjoy the stories you could tell.I wish I still had stuff like that of grandma's (Schoonover)she always kept alot of stuff, no telling what happened to it all .
That's a great story indeed and a very touching one. I have too, good memories with my father. I really treasured it. Yet, it's not something that can keep in a treasure box because all of it were locked in my heart. All the blissful memories with my father were there. I kept it and I love it. I am having a good feeling when I'm able to reminisce all of it. :) Lunch box surprises are not bad. =)
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