We had out 19 week ultrasound appointment, and we found out that we are carrying a baby boy.
So at this point we are trying to find a name, along with what we will be doing for the baby's room. (we were going to use purple since that is the colors in there but purple and boys just don't work)
The ultra sound was quite wonderful! I am certain you are familiar with the "bouncing baby boy" well he certainly does BOUNCE! I wasn't feeling anything but he certainly rolled tumbled and kicked to get out of the way of the camera. that is until they decided to check his hips and thighs! then he sat quite still and showed everything the Good Lord blessed him with!
all in all, the baby is healthy, everything looks normal, we checked over all his internal organs and bone size etc, and everything looks great.
I was really surprised that i couldn't feel any of his movement. as i have barely felt anything.
as of last evening , all that changed! i can feel stretching and kicks. very clearly. how it changed so suddenly i think i just didn't recognise it LOL I guess that's possible after 19 years huh?
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