Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Well, for those of you who follow my blog because of being a cancer survivor, Let me let you in on a little secret.

The Internet LIES. I read on website after website that ABVD causes sterility. and that you should prepare for IVF, prior to treatment. It just isn't so ladies and gents! Although it should, I think surviving Cancer is a miracle of God to begin with But finding out I am 8 weeks Pregnant is a REAL miracle.

My husband and I have been married for almost 12 years now. after we had been married for 5 we went off our birth control and thought we would let mature take its course....

After three years of that with no success we went to a specialist. bring on the charts, the temps all the hard work. Still no success.

Then I found out about the cancer.

After i had several treatments and was starting to feel better i got to looking at my chemo drugs and that's when i saw "causes sterility" page after page. I was devastated. BUT also pleased that i was going to live and see my 18 year old daughter graduate high school and go on to college.

I went to do a "routine" preg test prior to taking a dose of a drug called provera, which stimulates a period. This is something my fertility doctor recommended when we stropped treatments, since i do not have normal cycles. and it read with two lines!

I couldn't even read the stupid thing, I just kept looking at it going "why does that have two lines?" When it dawned on me that this was a "positive" test I screamed for my husband who in his infinite wisdom told me to "not get to excited it could be a false test"

Well, after a visit to an obgyn and an ultrasound we know for certain NOT a false test and our new little one will be here mid June.

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