Friday, February 19, 2010

A post from "Negative Nelly"

Most everyone knows that I was told the Cancer is gone. Most everyone knows that i have to wait 9 weeks to have my next scan to make certain that my lymph nodes don't swell back up without any treatment.

If they were to do just that it would mean another whole round of chemotherapy. My chances of this happening? according to my doctors (all three of them) say not to worry its so slim. The chances are so few.

Basically I feel like I have dodged that bullet. I mean worse for worse ok so six more months of this same garbage. I have been through that treatment i know what to expect. OK i can sit around and wait to see if we have to do it again.

But I also am looking at my thyroid. a 1cm "spot" on the left lobe, and i just had a scan of that. so I'm holding my breath that this isn't cancer too.

Treatment for thyroid cancer? I am pretty certain its just remove the thyroid. My doctors all feel even if its cancer the procedure is so easy and treatment is so easy and my chances are so slim....

I am sick of hearing my chances are so slim....

I feel like i just get close to being free of this and there's something else holding me back. OH well. Stress is what it is. and we did wait untill now to check my thyroid (we found this in july) untill now because the stress from the chemo was all i could take and honestly, the only thing bad about waiting now is i am jsut kicking back thinking "do i have cancer"...

I will have to get something new to focus on.

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