Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"My Favorite Things"

Yesterday was Chemo #4. The "infusion Suite" where I get my chemo, is just a beautiful place. there are 6 chairs set up in a half moon across from a set of windows over looking a garden with trees and bushes and a fountain. Behind the half moon there are 2 chairs on either side which give a bit more privacy, and three private rooms that are allotted for first timers and the very sick.

After you have gotten through your first time there they give you the option of the back row or the first row. It take me a while to "warm up" to a situation so yesterday was my first time in the front row.

I took my daughter with me. She is a good amount more out going than me. but she has a way of making me more out going as well. I like myself better when she is around, she makes it easier to be me.

Well the two people to my right got to talking about their favorite show tunes, and then they would sing a bar or so of them. My personal favorite is, "my favorite things" from "The Sound of Music" in a lag in conversation i quietly said "raindrops on roses" and that is all it took for a stirring rendition of the first verse and chorus.

After that was done our baritone's chemo was done so that broke up our little party. but what a memory!

Through out the day my mind kept coming back to the lyrics of the song. "I simply remember my favorite things, and then i dont feel so bad!"

Isnt that what all of us do there? Keep our ind focused on the prize? How many more years of our favorite things do we want? Isnt that why we were all sitting there? we want to keep that stuff?

This is now my theme song and now you know why.

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