Thursday, July 2, 2009

Hair on its way

Well, after so much of my hair just falling out everywhere I went and had my beautician shave off what was left. Oddly there still is a lot of stubble to fall out, but now I can adjust to the "no hair" state.

After 2 days I can tell you I wont adjust in public. I just need hair to feel like myself. I am ok here at the house, but not out and about.

So my dear Husband has ordered me a wig. I think it will look much the way I wear my hair and will be very close to one of the many colors I dye my hair....

A big thank you Going out to my sister in law for funding this purchase!

The prices were very reasonable. If you need a wig this is the site I used.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this you, Krista? You look like a model!

Tami Greenfield Boehmer